1.1 Course Schedule

1.1.1 Course Schedule

[callout]Below, you will find the tentative course schedule.[/callout]

I. Myths of Creation, Conflict & the Flood
01 – Hebrew Bible In Context
02 – Approaches to Studying Hebrew Bible
03 – Creation & Conflict: Storm Gods & Sea Dragons
04 – Flood Myth

II. Supernatural Beings: Gods, Angels and Demons
01 – Yahweh & Foreign Gods
02 – Angels & Divine Messengers
03 – Demons, Ghosts, & Other Spirits
04 – Satan: Adversary & Accuser

III. Magic & Ritual
01 – Cultic Symbols & Sites
02 – Ritual Killings & Sacrifice
03 – Ancient Medicine and Magic to Cure Illness
04 – Prophecy & Divination
05 – Other Worlds: Death & the Afterlife

IV. Rise of Apocalypticism: Cosmic Battles Between Good & Evil
01 – Zoroastrianism & Persian Dualism
02 – Beginnings of Apocalypticism
03 – Eschatological Evil in Hebrew Bible
