Feel free to cite articles and excerpts from Deliriumsrealm.com. Everything is published under a Creative Commons license.
General Format
If you wish to cite an article in a paper, email, or website, you can use the following format:
“article name.” publication from service.
< url to article >
[date of access].
For example:
“Ishtar/ Inanna.” A Gallery of Demons from Deliriumsrealm.com. < https://www.deliriumsrealm.com/116/ishtar-inanna/ >
[Accessed Febuary 1, 2011].
MLA format
“article name.” publication. year. service
short date of access < url to page if subscription service >
For example:
“Ishtar/ Inanna.” A Gallery of Demons. 2011. Deliriumsrealm.com.
1 Feb. 2011 < https://www.deliriumsrealm.com/116/ishtar-inanna/ >
APA format
article name. publication. date of access, from service
< url to article page or home page if subscription service >
For example:
Ishtar/ Inanna. A Gallery of Demons. Retrieved February 1, 2011, from Deliriumsrealm.com.
< https://www.deliriumsrealm.com/116/ishtar-inanna/ >